Pastor Mike's
Pastoral Transition Announcement

After 28 years of faithfully and lovingly serving Trinity Baptist Church as Senior Pastor,  Pastor Michael Lopp announced his intent of transition and pastoral succession at Trinity.

We are grateful for the ways the Lord has used Pastor Mike and Angi to shepherd our congregation and community.

We are seeking God's wisdom and direction as we search for and call our next Lead Pastor.  As we move through the process of pastoral transition, we invite you to check this page for news and updates.



Our pastoral search process has now progressed to seeking resumes from potential candidates.  A posting has gone out online and resumes are being submitted for consideration.

As we seek God’s leading in this, we’d like to again ask our church body for any potential candidates that you would have us consider. If you know of someone that may be interested in applying to become our Pastor Next, please feel free to forward the link below as the path to submit a resume or forward their name and contact info for the PST to follow up with them.

If God has been placing anyone on your heart, now is the time to act. Thank you for your prayers and consideration on this important matter.


The Pastor Search Team will be leading us in a congregational month of prayer and fasting. Please sign up your family for one day in February to join us in our efforts as we search for our next pastor.  



The Pastor Search Team (PST) of Trinity Baptist Church was selected by the Elders, consistent with our constitution and bylaws.  The PST has been asked to find and recommend the candidate they sense God is leading us to call as our next Lead Pastor.   Please pray for each member of the PST as they serve in this role, as well for the future pastor being called.  
Pastor Search Team: (Front) Nena Beier, Ashley Johnson, Kelly Derse, Ali Wilcox. (Back Row) Brian Campbell, Dan Faas, Paul Fries (Elder), Jeff Young (Elder), Andrew Baerlocher.


The following is an overview of the steps the committee plans to follow.
1. Congregational Survey and Pastor Profile [COMPLETED]
A congregational survey has already been completed. The PST will work with a consultant utilizing the congregational survey and the PST input to develop a Senior Pastor Profile.  Using the Pastor Search Profile the PST will prepare a candidate questionnaire profile unique to Trinity Baptist Church that will help the team identify a pastor that matches our church’s needs and goals.This is where the description goes.
2. Seek Resumes and Prepare Church and Community Information [CURRENTLY IN PROCESS]
Once criteria has been established, we will begin seeking resumes from various sources including individual recommendations along with associations, state conventions, Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), seminaries, regional associations, etcetera. The PST will prepare an information packet describing our church and community to share with the candidates.
3. Prayerfully Review Resumes [CURRENTLY IN PROCESS]
The PST members will individually review the candidate applications and resumes received, using the established criteria in Step 1. We will evaluate the candidate’s experience, education, qualities, and background against the criteria that has been established. The character and qualities established in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 are non-negotiable for any candidate.

Some examples of what we may consider while we review resumes are:
●Does the candidate possess the skills and experience which will be needed in our unique setting?
●What vocational ministry, church volunteer, and secular experiences has the candidate had? Every life experience provides a valid and valuable training ground.
4. Send Candidates the Questionnaire
The selected candidates will receive the in-depth questionnaire developed in Step 1. Those who complete the questionnaire and whose qualities the team believes may be a good fit for our church will be scheduled for an interview by the committee.  The candidates will also be provided with the information packet prepared in Step 2.
5. Schedule Interviews
Our team will conduct an initial interview using Zoom. This interview will help us evaluate communication skills, personality traits, and general attitude.  It will also allow us the opportunity to resolve questions not addressed on their resume.  Qualified candidates will be scheduled for an in-depth, in-person interview.  
6. Conduct In-depth Interviews
 In-depth interviews will be conducted by the team.  If possible, an in-person interview is best; however, because of distance it is often necessary for this interview to be held online.
Some examples the PST may be looking to discover in the interview are:
  • Family background
  • Testimony of salvation and call to ministry
  • Personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Philosophy of ministry
  • Priorities in ministry
  • Theological stance on areas important to the church
7. Check References and Listen to Candidates Messages
The PST will call or write to references provided by the candidate and will seek secondary and tertiary references.  Because reputation in the community is also critical, we will do a credit and criminal background check on our top candidates.  

The PST will listen to candidate sermons online and by attending a worship service if possible.  The sermons will be evaluated using the criteria established in the pastor profile concerning biblical knowledge, doctrine, delivery, etc.
8. Narrow the Field to One Candidate
At this time, we will prayerfully narrow our focus to a single candidate.  Our team has agreed that a unanimous vote will be required at this step.
9. Face-to-Face Interview
This step calls for an in-person interview with the candidate and his wife.  In this interview we will be discussing the following:

●Any question the candidate has about the church’s history, previous pastors, and current pastoral transition process.
●The church’s ministries, building needs and unique style.
●The church’s involvement in community, association, state convention and SBC activities.
●Review the pastor’s job description.
●Review the salary and support package.
●Discuss moving arrangements and housing.
We will include a tour of the church and the surrounding community for our candidate.
10. Invite the Candidate to Trinity in View of a Call
After prayerful consideration of all the information from the previous steps, if the Lord is leading us to proceed, the PST will make a recommendation of a single candidate to the congregation.  He and his family will be invited to come to Trinity in view of a call. He will be invited to a weekend with the congregation, meeting the people and preaching in a Sunday morning worship.
All arrangements for travel, lodging and meals will be paid for by the church. One week prior to the candidate’s arrival, church members will be provided detailed information about the candidate and his family.

*In view of a call is a term traditionally used to refer to a weekend event in which the pastor being called visits the calling church, meets the people of the congregation, and preaches in the worship services. A typical schedule begins with the candidate and his family arriving on a Friday.  Formal and informational meetings with various church groups will be scheduled on Saturday.  He will preach on Sunday morning, attend a churchwide lunch following the service, and participate in a question-and-answer time with the congregation.
The PST will clearly communicate to the church and candidate the time for the congregational vote to be taken to extend the call to the pastor.  Following the congregational vote, the PST Elders will inform the candidate of the church’s decision, and the church of the candidate’s response.
11. Complete the Process
After the call has been issued and accepted, the PST will write a formal letter extending the call, summarizing salary and benefit arrangements, and listing any special agreements that have been made with the candidate. When the pastor moves to the community, an installation service will be held and the PST will continue for a period of months, as he transitions to his new position.

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