Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We exist to love God and serve others by proclaiming God’s Word, building lasting relationships in Biblical-community, and providing Biblical help for everyday Christian living. Therefore, we are committed to pursuing evangelization, edification, education, and encouragement through the ministries of our local church body and global ministry partners.

Backpack Distribution
Meeting practical needs while sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is on the heart of Trinity. School Supplies and backpacks are distributed to our local community during a drive-thru event.

Disaster Relief
During the 2008 and 2018 flooding, Trinity Baptist Church was the base for the Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief units. Many of our people were trained in disaster relief and served alongside Red Cross, offering hope in the name of Christ to many in crisis.

Food Box Distribution
Trinity Baptist Church partnered with MWBC and the USDA “Farmers to Families” program to distribute free food boxes. We received and distributed 1200 boxes full of farm fresh food - meat, dairy, vegetables, and fruit - to our local community.

ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING FOR NAMB - Trinity has partnered with the North American Missions Board ( NAMB ) in sharing our faith with people through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. This offering is transformed into missionary salaries and ministry supplies, helping missionaries penetrate the lostness in the United States, Canada, and their territories. Giving to the AAEO allows missionaries to obediently follow God’s call and share the Gospel with all people.

Life Changer Missions
Trinity Students partnered with Life Changer Missions in 2022 for a week of life changing hands-on mission! They worked with Heartland Community Baptist Church in Sioux City, IA to serve their local community and be the hands and feet of Jesus. They shared the Good News of Christ while meeting needs such as performing small home repairs, painting, building wheelchair ramps, replacing widow and siding, and more.
So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8
So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Builders for Christ
Builders for Christ is a network of volunteer teams who assist Southern Baptists in building churches in locations which appear to be in significant need of evangelism. We have partnered and participated in several regional projects: Jacob’s Well in Chippewau Falls, WI; Rock of Hope Church in Wisconsin Dells, WI; Roseville Baptist Church in Roseville, MN; and University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, OH.

Disaster Relief
Trinity Baptist Church partners with MWBC Disaster Relief and Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief to bring hope in crisis by providing help, healing, and hope. Many of our people were trained in disaster relief and serve alongside Red Cross. Our members have served with flood recovery in Reedsburg, WI in 2008 and 2018; Hurricane Harvey relief in Liberty, TX in 2017; and numerous other call-outs in the Midwest.

Salt Lake City Missions
In partnership with Southern Wisconsin Baptist Association, Bell Baptist Association and Salt Lake Baptist Association, Trinity Baptist Church sent members on mission in one of the unreached areas in North America. Utah is a state whose statistics reveal they are an unreached people group with only two percent of the more than 3,000,000 people going to an evangelical church. We sent teams in 2016 and 2017 to help strengthen several churches and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in the community.

Hands of Hope
Hands of Hope is an exciting mission opportunity with servanthood evangelism projects in a local community setting with the purpose of strengthening and planting churches. Students and adults partnered and worked in the communities of Red Village Church, Madison, WI in 2017; and River of Life, Portage, WI in 2019.

Dells International Student Outreach
Many international students live and work in the Wisconsin Dells during the summer months. Trinity partners with a Dells dormitory to develop relationships and assist students in adjusting to and learning about life in the USA. We provide practical help by delivering welcome bags and personal care items, take students on tours, share meals and the gospel.
If you have questions or would like to join this ministry, please contact Amanda Barney.
If you have questions or would like to join this ministry, please contact Amanda Barney.

Mexico Missions
Back2Back is a ministry that stands alongside indigenous Christian orphanages throughout the world to help children and staff in practical and loving ways. In partnership with Back2Back Ministries, Trinity has sent numerous teams to Mexico (2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019). Our team worked primarily in construction, as well as spending quality time with the children who live there.

Operation Christmas Child
Trinity has partnered with Operation Christmas Child in packing and collecting shoebox gifts to bless children in need around the world. These simple gifts demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way as the Good News of Jesus Christ is shared in over 100 countries .

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (LMCO) enables more than 5,000 Southern Baptist missionaries to share Christ’s love with people overseas. Trinity has partnered with the International Missions Board (IMB) in making disciples of all nations through giving to the Cooperating Program & LMCO.

SBC Cooperative Program
Trinity partners with Southern Baptists in a unified plan of giving in support of statewide, national, and international missions and ministries. The Cooperative Program allows us to do more together than alone.

Baptist Global Response
Baptist Global Response (BGR) is a disaster relief and community development organization with a heart for helping people in desperate need. Trinity Baptist Church sent members to assist with disaster response to: Nepal in 2015 in response to aftermath of earthquake disaster; Siapan in 2019 in response to Super Typhoon Yutu.

Jonathan & Nichole DeJongh
DRC, Africa
Jonathan and Nicole DeJongh serve with Mission Aviation Fellowship in western Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with their five children. Jonathan is a pilot/mechanic, which means his roles include flying and maintaining airplanes. He enjoys using these roles to make connections with people and show them the love and hope of Christ, as well as exemplifying the love of Jesus through discipleship.
Connect with the DeJongh's

Pastor Jean Claude & Bunie Cimeus
Cap Haitien, Haiti
Pastor Jean Claude & Bunie Cimeus have a passion for God's work, and a firm commitment to minister to and train the Haitian people in the Word. Pastor Jean-Claude Cimeus and his wife Bunie attended Trinity Evangelical Seminary in Deerfield, IL and have returned to Haiti to minister to the Haitian people. Both hold a Master’s Degree in Christian Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) in Deerfield, Illinois. Jean Claude holds double major in Counseling and Bunie in Education. Pastor Jean Claude is also adjunct professor at Emmaus University in Haiti.
In 2004, Jean-Claude they founded Salt & Light Evengelistic Ministries and Salt & Light Baptist Church near the city of Cap Haitien. They serve the Lord and His people through the church ministry, family counseling ministry, women’s ministry and radio ministry offering Christian programming in French and Creole to an estimated audience of 300,000.
In 2004, Jean-Claude they founded Salt & Light Evengelistic Ministries and Salt & Light Baptist Church near the city of Cap Haitien. They serve the Lord and His people through the church ministry, family counseling ministry, women’s ministry and radio ministry offering Christian programming in French and Creole to an estimated audience of 300,000.