We’re getting ready for this year’s Christmas Quiz Bowl Competition; gearing up to win this year’s title for Christmas Quiz Bowl Champions! It’s time to put your Christmas knowledge to the test!
Holly, Angela, Maria, Nikki, and Josie have been studying their hardest to conquer every question that could possibly be asked about Christmas… But… are they studying the right stuff? As they sit down together to review their notes, they quickly discover that they know a lot about Christmas movies, Christmas storybooks, decorating cookies, and the trivial parts of the season… But how well do they know the actual story…the story behind the true meaning of Christmas??
Dive into scripture with our Quiz Bowl friends to learn the who, what, when, where, and why about Christmas…and, most importantly, the way those truths transform our lives.
Holly, Angela, Maria, Nikki, and Josie have been studying their hardest to conquer every question that could possibly be asked about Christmas… But… are they studying the right stuff? As they sit down together to review their notes, they quickly discover that they know a lot about Christmas movies, Christmas storybooks, decorating cookies, and the trivial parts of the season… But how well do they know the actual story…the story behind the true meaning of Christmas??
Dive into scripture with our Quiz Bowl friends to learn the who, what, when, where, and why about Christmas…and, most importantly, the way those truths transform our lives.
Posted in Announcements
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