Join us after service on Sunday, November 17th for the Green Bay Packers vs Chicago Bears game! Kick-off is at 12 Noon.
We will tailgate in the back church parking lot and stream the game on a big screen in the Fellowship Hall while enjoying fellowship and comradery. Trinity will provide brats, hotdogs, and burgers. We ask you to bring your favorite tailgate dish to share!
Sign up a to let us know how many are coming, and what dish you will be bringing!
We will tailgate in the back church parking lot and stream the game on a big screen in the Fellowship Hall while enjoying fellowship and comradery. Trinity will provide brats, hotdogs, and burgers. We ask you to bring your favorite tailgate dish to share!
Sign up a to let us know how many are coming, and what dish you will be bringing!
Posted in Announcements
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