6-5-2022 Bulletin
VBS VOLUNTEER TRAINING: If you are participating in VBS this year as a volunteer please Join the training session on Sunday, June 5th from 4:00-6:00 PM.
VBS 2022: JULY 25-29, 4:45-8:00 PM. Kids 4yo-5th grade — Mark your calendar to join us for a fun-filled week at SPARK STUDIOS Vacation Bible School! We will spark imagination and kick creativity into high gear as we learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us to the design He planned for us. We will then top the week off with the VBS FAMILY CARNIVAL on Sunday, July 31. Sign-up online at todayschurch.com
UPCOMING WOMEN’S MINISTRY EVENT: Connecting women with Jesus and each other. Trinity Women’s LIFT Conference. Join us on September 23 & 24 for a time of fellowship. We will be hearing from Ann Westrate. She serves as coordinator of women’s initiatives for The Gospel Coalition. Sign-ups will be available at a later date.
YOUTH GROUP CANOE TRIP: June 27th-29th. 5th Grade completed—12th grade completed, join us for a fun-filled trip on the Namekagon River. Your trip will consist of paddling down this scenic river during the day and camping under the stars at night. This is a true wilderness experience right here in Northern Wisconsin. The fee for this trip will be $110. Please Sign up in the foyer or talk with Pastor Chris
SUMMER XROADS: Fun! Community Missions! Bible Study! Be There! Starting June 21st from 1 pm-5 pm. Watch the student board in the coming weeks for the summer Xroads schedule.
EXPLORE THE BIBLE: The Summer Explore The Bible study books are here. Grab your new book in the Fellowship Hall.
Grief Support Group: Our goal is to support each other through the loss of family members and friends. We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of the month from 6:00-8:30 PM at Trinity Baptist Church. If you are interested in joining this Trinity Women’s Group please talk to Bonnie Vodak.
Crafting Talents: The Group plans to work on your own U F O’s
Unfinished Objects and observe and learn other projects.
As we grow and move along we can include other opportunity's to teach and learn different Talents. We will meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:00-8:30 at Trinity Baptist Church. If you are interested in joining this Trinity Women’s Group please contact Kathy Roloff.
Let’s Get Stronger Together: All Trinity Women interested in improving their health and incorporating biblical principles into physical activities and nutrition choices 6:00—7:30 PM on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month. (Pilot Session: May-August) Please make sure to wear tennis shoes
1 Kings 3:9
So give your servant a receptive heart to judge your people and to discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of yours?
6/5 Evangelistic Confidence
6/12 The Awesome Privilege of Prayer
6/19 Before You Can pray in Faith
Impact generations
Total Amount Pledged: $1,087,369
Total Received: $340,243
Last Week Giving Total: $10,074
Weekly Budget: $11,533
2022 Giving to Date: $225,714
2022 Budget to Date: $253,732
Variance: $-28,018
Last Week: 130
2 Weeks Ago: 188
3 Weeks Ago: 186
VBS 2022: JULY 25-29, 4:45-8:00 PM. Kids 4yo-5th grade — Mark your calendar to join us for a fun-filled week at SPARK STUDIOS Vacation Bible School! We will spark imagination and kick creativity into high gear as we learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us to the design He planned for us. We will then top the week off with the VBS FAMILY CARNIVAL on Sunday, July 31. Sign-up online at todayschurch.com
UPCOMING WOMEN’S MINISTRY EVENT: Connecting women with Jesus and each other. Trinity Women’s LIFT Conference. Join us on September 23 & 24 for a time of fellowship. We will be hearing from Ann Westrate. She serves as coordinator of women’s initiatives for The Gospel Coalition. Sign-ups will be available at a later date.
YOUTH GROUP CANOE TRIP: June 27th-29th. 5th Grade completed—12th grade completed, join us for a fun-filled trip on the Namekagon River. Your trip will consist of paddling down this scenic river during the day and camping under the stars at night. This is a true wilderness experience right here in Northern Wisconsin. The fee for this trip will be $110. Please Sign up in the foyer or talk with Pastor Chris
SUMMER XROADS: Fun! Community Missions! Bible Study! Be There! Starting June 21st from 1 pm-5 pm. Watch the student board in the coming weeks for the summer Xroads schedule.
EXPLORE THE BIBLE: The Summer Explore The Bible study books are here. Grab your new book in the Fellowship Hall.
Grief Support Group: Our goal is to support each other through the loss of family members and friends. We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of the month from 6:00-8:30 PM at Trinity Baptist Church. If you are interested in joining this Trinity Women’s Group please talk to Bonnie Vodak.
Crafting Talents: The Group plans to work on your own U F O’s
Unfinished Objects and observe and learn other projects.
As we grow and move along we can include other opportunity's to teach and learn different Talents. We will meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:00-8:30 at Trinity Baptist Church. If you are interested in joining this Trinity Women’s Group please contact Kathy Roloff.
Let’s Get Stronger Together: All Trinity Women interested in improving their health and incorporating biblical principles into physical activities and nutrition choices 6:00—7:30 PM on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month. (Pilot Session: May-August) Please make sure to wear tennis shoes
1 Kings 3:9
So give your servant a receptive heart to judge your people and to discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of yours?
6/5 Evangelistic Confidence
6/12 The Awesome Privilege of Prayer
6/19 Before You Can pray in Faith
Impact generations
Total Amount Pledged: $1,087,369
Total Received: $340,243
Last Week Giving Total: $10,074
Weekly Budget: $11,533
2022 Giving to Date: $225,714
2022 Budget to Date: $253,732
Variance: $-28,018
Last Week: 130
2 Weeks Ago: 188
3 Weeks Ago: 186
Posted in Announcements
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